Houston Parking Rules Updated
An update to Chapter 26, the ordinance that governs parking in Houston, was approved at Wednesday’s Council Meeting. After much input from business groups and from the community, changes were proposed and adopted that will allow for more flexibility for individual neighborhoods to tailor parking in their area to their specific needs. Also addressed by the new rules were substitution of bike parking for car spaces and shared parking lots.
High Turnout for District C CIP Meeting
Representatives from several city departments presented upcoming infrastructure projects for District C to a packed house at the annual District C Capital Improvement Plan meeting. Also presented was an update on Rebuild Houston, the pay-as-you-go plan to address the city’s street and drainage needs. The new Rebuild Houston website includes an interactive map that allows citizens to see upcoming projects in their area.
On the Agenda
Council authorized the disbursement of grant funding from Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). The City of Houston will be partnering with Houston Area Community Services Inc. to provide much-needed services to low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS in our city. This support will include housing, child care, counseling, job search assistance, and nutritional services.
What’s Happening in the Annex
Council Member Cohen met with leadership from Sunshine Kids, a non-profit organization dedicated to children with cancer. Discussion centered on the infrastructure surrounding their National Office, which is located in District C.